Post-Workshop Photo Gallery
We collected a few Photos over the 4 days of the workshop and thought it would be nice to share them with you so that you can relive the Moments!
Enjoy exploring our Post-Event Photo Gallery!
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Catering Welcome Event 11.09

Catering Welcome Event 11.09

Workshop Dinner 13.09.

Workshop Dinner 13.09.

Gifts for the administrative Team!

Springer Verlag Textbooks

Talk from our speakers

Springer verlag

Talk from our speakers

Talk from our speakers

Welcome reception in the Skylounge

Welcome reception in the Skylounge

D-Fine Talk in Skylounge

Talk from our speakers

Talk from our speakers

Talk from our speakers

Talks in the Skylounge

Talks in the Skylounge

Talk from our speakers

Talk from our speakers

Talk from our speakers